The company's ethos is geared towards the well being of all employees. PFL ensures a safe workplace, separate child-care, health care, recreation and training facilities.
Equal opportunity forms the core of the companies mission statement. PFL positively encourages women and minority groups in employment. |
Whether we like it or not, clothing is part of our identity. Clothes can emphasize success and a certain level of professionalism.
A few quality outfits will make you look like a go-getter that takes pride in one's appearance. Spending money on quality clothes might seem frivolous, but in many cases you can’t afford to not spend it, especially if you’re trying to land a job or to connect socially. |
People come in all shapes and sizes, yet a lot of cheap clothing is mass produced in a “one shape fits all” manner.
Low-quality dress shirts, for example, look terrible on people not shaped like models. Plummy fashions combine premier quality materials with an econ-friendly process to win the hearts ('and wallets') of consumers. |
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